
2024年9月20日 星期五

Papaya mushroom taufan

Four papayas picked this afternoon. Almost everyone rejects it now because there are really too many papayas getting matured almost everyday. 

Mushroom pucuk manis "cincai" masak beehoon. I really need a lot of protein to recover from the occupational hazard. 

There are strong winds and heavy rains outside. Kind of taufan 台风 atmosphere in Taiwan. It's good for health to sleep early, especially in a slightly cool raining night. Also the wounds can recover sooner. Maybe tomorrow the rain lily will be blooming?

When you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you rest, your sleep will be sweet.

2024年9月19日 星期四

Bright future

The little mulberries are growing.

Maybe the industry trend is just a hot money game? Who knows the plots. But I still like to understand what is being told happening around and keep hoping "our future is bright".

2024年9月18日 星期三

Today's foods

Mixed vegetables mee-suah

Mushroom bean curd boiled with basil 

A bold painting in the sky

2024年9月17日 星期二

Beautiful in its time

This little basil branch picked and put in the water only had some root nodes on 15th Sept afternoon. 

Just after two days, today it has so many branching roots. I didn't expect this happened because it was just a small part on the top of the plant. But now I understand this too because the mother plant is a self-grown plant by the seed. This small branch will grow to be a very healthy and strong Basil tree when plant on the soil. Again, the power of nature is shown. 

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."

2024年9月16日 星期一

ABC agar-agar

ABC soup is always easy to prepare and satisfying to eat. Tomato is it's spirit. Rupa-rupanya it's called as Borscht. 

Pandan rose agar-agar with coarse sugar. 

Pandan rose orange peels agar-agar with brown sugar. 

Eat well, sleep well to have good health. 

Noon Duo

Getting matured in a hot noon. 
 I just picked them. 

Morning Duo

Getting matured in a warm morning. 

2024年9月15日 星期日

Honey ant

After being a hardworking honey ant for the day, it's the time to rest now. 
Take good rest to have good health. 

2024年9月14日 星期六

Rose, sugar apple, rain lily and ?

The roses in a morning after rain. 
The fully bloomed one hung down as it was too heavy.

 I just picked a matured sugar apple that only split a little bit at that moment. 

 I was passing by the rain lily at that moment. Ah... 

Speechless. Tell your name. 

2024年9月13日 星期五

Cloud rose dreams

The cotton cloud is floating in the sky
The rosy sun is shining in the air
Martha is tired from the works
May the blessed us have sweet dreams 

2024年9月12日 星期四


The old branches have a supporting role to manifest the rose charmingness, but they should be cut for an appreciation of the blooming rose without obstacles.
The bitter gourd lingering on the fence is flowering with the not-so-near-but-within-eyesight neighbour's home as its background.   

2024年9月11日 星期三


Don't look at me. I am shy.

2024年9月10日 星期二

Don Moen

Good background music

2024年9月9日 星期一

Stay healthy


2024年9月8日 星期日

Happy chicken


I am happy to see you busy running here and there like the kids playing on the field. I would like to join you too. But will you attack me? It will be painful. I don't want to be hurt.

2024年9月7日 星期六

Amos 5:16

            A random flip through in a noisy environment.

2024年9月6日 星期五

Gila Synchronization

One more crazy case this afternoon. This kind of super power should be used wisely. 


It's a tiring day that needs earlier sleep. Sweet dream. 

2024年9月5日 星期四

So hardworking

For the first time I see the JKR team working overtime. I wonder if they will work 24 hours, learning from the project counterpart. Plan and make a safe and nice place for all's benefits, please. Thank you.

2024年9月4日 星期三

Well said

Godly Leadership Takes the Initiative

Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines

“The Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDocs) for COVID-19 previously found certain foreign materials and moving parasite-like entities in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as those vaccines were warmed to near room temperature (Jeon, 2022). Here we report on similar foreign materials found in samples of centrifuged blood from 8 COVID-19 vaccine recipients as contrasted with 2 individuals who did not receive any COVID-19 vaccine and who had none of the foreign materials in their blood plasma. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the foreign materials found in the COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the study reported here were injected into their bodies when they received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. Blood samples were prepared and observed under a stereomicroscope after being centrifuged at 2,200 rpm for 30 minutes. From the 8 COVID-19 vaccine recipients: 6 plasma samples contained a multilayered disc of unidentified composition; 3 samples contained beaded coil-like materials; 1 plasma sample contained a fibrous bundle of similar appearing beaded foreign material; and a different group of 3 samples had crystal-like formations of foreign material. The various shapes and sizes of foreign materials in the centrifuged plasmas of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals closely resembled the shapes and sizes of foreign materials previously observed directly in the vaccines themselves. These findings are the basis for our recommendation that (a) a collaborative worldwide evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine contents, and of the blood and plasma samples of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals, be undertaken immediately with all due diligence; (b) that there should be an immediate cessation of COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide and the abandonment of any COVID-19 “Vaccine Pass Policy” and any other form of mandate for COVID-19 vaccinations; and, (c) that emergency collaborative studies of detoxification protocols for COVID-19 vaccine sequelae be undertaken.”


DOI: 10.56098/ijvtpr.v2i1.37

2024年9月3日 星期二

IBTEC x Zaha Hadid

It is good to have her involved. Hope the result will be a building project that is practical and really beneficial to the people. No more white elephants. 

2024年9月2日 星期一


This document on monkeypox opened my eyes during the last man-made pandemic time. The participants came from PRC CDC, US, WHO and big pharma, in the name of health and security. In the disputing chaos of which brand fluid is better, I understood that devils can do anything to foolish and control  innocent people. How I wish justice comes.

Reference: Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference

SIDS, NHK, R.I.P. & David Icke

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and other vaccine injuries

NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

I wonder if he is an earlier version of Yuval Noah Harari - "I have told you what I know. You have to bear your own risk if you are still sleeping."

Polio @ Gaza

Do you mean, being vaccinated means being a spreader? So, "shedding" is real. Then, you still want to put them in a more severe danger? What's your logic?

最後一段是重點:一種小兒麻痹症疫苗的變種病毒,引發了此次小兒麻痹症的流行。意即:接種疫苗者排出病毒,引發新的流行病。 來源:

"The polio variant that triggered this latest outbreak is itself a mutated virus from an oral polio vaccine. This is because the vaccine contains a weakened live virus which in very rare cases is shed by those who receive it and can then evolve into a new form that can start new epidemics." Source:

2024年9月1日 星期日


Nigeria's Evolving Home Grown Coffee Drinking Culture

COVID-19 Regulations Were Very Suspicious From The Beginning 

Uhm, it's interesting that now I got to know that Nigeria is worthy to understand more.