Becoming a tech megapolis is receiving the worsen quality of air, water and soil as a free gift that is riskier for health. Is to earn from the tech park to pay bill in the medic park a consent-made fair game?
Pro-business? Shall we look at organic agriculture, nature conservation and cultural heritage preservation to develop quality agriculture, ecotourism and cultural tourism, in the name of sustainable life-friendly development? "No. That takes too long time. I want to get the result and enjoy the rewards ASAP. No one lives long."
Reference: From palm oil to data: Malaysia builds AI hub on Singapore’s doorstep
But still,
Let the desert and the dry lands be glad, let the wasteland rejoice and bloom; like the asphodel, let it burst into flower, let it rejoice and sing for joy.
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The sense of ritual has won?
"Visitors to the Roman Baths in Bath have been stopped from throwing money into the historic attraction and are instead asked to make a contactless payment. But the move has had devastating consequences. In the last financial year, it collected just $17,000 in donations despite welcoming one million visitors in 2023. Prior to that it had raked in almost $200,000 from donations when it was fully open between 2018 and 2019 before the pandemic hit, with $170,000 coming from the 1.6m plunge pool that had been turned into a wishing well for visitors.
'A child making a wish with a contactless card does not have the same magical appeal, this policy should be reversed immediately,' he told The Telegraph."
“近期,西碧儿·卡迪卡素 (Sybil Kathigasu) 的生平故事 引起广泛关注,有关报道主要在各英文媒体。