
2024年6月30日 星期日

Smartness cum scariness

You are scary smart - but, are you scared?
Me too. 

2024年6月29日 星期六

Rain lily

This afternoon, I went back to clean and clear my own place after one month leaving. I found the rain lily just withered - that meant it was blooming almost at the same time as the one I planted at my parents' place.

I got the seedlings from a kopitiam owner about months ago, when I saw the combination of fresh green and sweet pink was stunning in the yard under the sunlight.

Now, I am happy to see them flowering and presenting their beauty at new places. Meanwhile house-keeping is a very tiring work indeed - Martha knew this.

2024年6月28日 星期五

33 green chilies

There are thirty-three green chilies picked this evening.

2024年6月27日 星期四

Pretty | Ugly | Clean & Clear

An unexpected surprising blooming of the pretty rain lily. 
I wish for surprises in life after striving.
For sure.

Another experiment was conducted. Too many real flowers and leaves made them look ugly. Too real, too hurt?

From Liang Wern Fook, I got to know Dick Lee and Kit Chan. 
Home is where the heart is. 
So the heart should be clean and clear.

2024年6月26日 星期三


This Is Not What She Expected
Luckily it happened

2024年6月23日 星期日


There is no water supply today from 9am till midnight. So last night pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries and white sesames were ordered to be sacrificed for today's breakfast. I must have a good and proper one before mental exercise, to avoid temporary brain dead. Good ingredients but not good texture, besides broken surface. Anyway I believe practice makes perfect. Try it out.

2024年6月22日 星期六

Be real

See the image or taste the sweetness
Imagine the surface or touch the texture
Be real, seriously

2024年6月21日 星期五

Agar-agar (II)

It is a surprise when I bite on the halfly dark green pandan agar-agar - the real pandan leaves fragrance, the bitter-sweet flavor combination and the leaves residue texture all together make it great.

Both rose agar-agar and butterfly pea flower agar-agar look prettier than the pandan agar-agar. The pink and blue fragments scattered randomly present a dreamlike romantic atmosphere. To be critical, then, more rose petal fragments should be added to increase the fragrance, besides more crystal sugar for the sweetness. Meanwhile, the butterfly pea flower has no flavor so the blue agar-agar is nice to see but boring to eat.

Reflection: The essential function of food is to be eaten, first for the nutrition, and only then comes the turn of flavour experience. Visual pleasure is a second or less important point. My earlier judgement that was made simply based on their appearance is not fair. Real eating experience is important to get the facts that can't be disclosed by the presentation.

Lesson: I have to revise, that the best is the best if the inner content is the best. This requires real efforts and actions to understand thoroughly and confirm surely.

2024年6月19日 星期三


This afternoon from 3pm to 5pm, a rose flower, five butterfly pea flowers and some pandan leaves turned the agar-agar to four plates of jelly in the presence of crystal sugar. At the beginning, because I blended too many pandan leaves and the strainer holes were too big, there were residues sinking and made it a bitter-sweet half-dark green jelly. For the second one, the rose petal fragments had been put into the cooking pot too early. They faded and made the jelly look dull. Initially I just prepared two butterfly pea flowers. But from the experience gained, I put two and half of the butterfly pea flowers into a plate of jelly then. The bright blue scattered above the light golden jelly presented some fancy feel. As the last one showed the clearer light golden colour, the colour contrast brought up a more impressive visual effect, that made it looked nicest among them. The last is the best.

2024年6月18日 星期二

Combined coursework

For Biology/Botany, Physical Education and Community Service

2024年6月16日 星期日



2024年6月15日 星期六

A Dragonfly

A dragonfly stopped at my laptop this early morning around 2.30 a.m. My reflex action was to check how the Bible interpreted it. The findings were encouraging - but I wondered if the Bible looked at every creature from a kind perspective as they all were His creations. Later when I woke from a sleep, I found I had met with a "dragonfly" after the "chickenpox". Dragon is my favourite animal from the Chinese Zodiacs. It was definitely good that a dragon flew to me.

Challenge and Response

There are many incisive comments including some quotes from 1984 and Brave New World. I like this among them, "Fear is the virus and courage is the cure. Be strong."


2024年6月13日 星期四

Ultimate solution