
2023年9月28日 星期四

Blinner (28 Sept 2023)

I am not just wake up but this is my first meal for today. A new word "blinner" learnt. Black coffee, fried multivege Beehoon, Pulasan fruit and guava. 

2023年9月26日 星期二

Iced durian

Never thought to have the iced durian as late lunch/dim-sum/early dinner. But it happens to be so. May more new experiences to come! 

2023年9月20日 星期三

The morning orchard (19 Sept 2023)

There seems to be a way, in the light.

The banana trees in the dawn.

Believe in, beheart with.

The branches grow horizontally above the broccoli.

Spot me!


Just straight.

Till today I found the guavas are fruiting in pairs. One of the two turns to yellow first. Another one later.

2023年9月18日 星期一

So we meet

The two bitter gourd plants that have been placed at two opposite corners weeks ago are forming an arch now. 

2023年9月11日 星期一

The moments

I looked out the window
For the rainbow

For the bridge 
For the wish 

He once promised the eternal life
I once created the eternal moments

2023年9月8日 星期五


昨晚瞭解到新山(Johor Bahru)私立醫院床位爆滿,一床難求。有的救護車在送病患入院的路上還遇到因車禍引起的交通阻塞情況。今晚則是聽到了兩次救護車經過的鳴笛聲。

2023年9月7日 星期四

Morning, world

A driving journey to the hospital in Johor Bahru on 6th September 2023, around 7pm. Came back, settled down and it's the time to lay down the weariness and the burdens to have a rest.